A Conference on Neo-Aristotelian
Metaphysics, Ethics, and Politics
30 September-01 October 2016
Chicago, Illinois
The Palmer House
Salon 3
Center for the Aristotelian Tradition
The University of Notre Dame*
We are experiencing a remarkable renaissance of activity on three complementary fronts in Neo-Aristotelian Philosophy: metaphysics; virtue ethics; and politics, including the natural law tradition. While having a common source in the voluminous writings of Aristotle, none of these contemporary movements is antiquarian in character or primarily exegetical in orientation. Instead, they in their different ways turn to the Aristotelian framework as providing a common idiom for articulating and defending living, viable approaches to subjects of continuing concern. This conference brings together participants in these various Neo-Aristotelian movements for the purposes of common reflection and cross-fertilization.
The conference is open to all, but space is limited. Please contact Christopher Shields or Joe Karbowski if you wish to take part.
Conference Participants and Schedule
30 September
8.45: Welcome: Christopher Shields (University of Notre Dame) and Joe Karbowski (University of Notre Dame)
9.00-12.00: Hylomorphism
- David Charles (Yale University)
- ‘Hylomorphism'
- John Heil (Washington University of St. Louis)
- ‘Hylomorphism: What’s not to Like?'
10.30 Coffee Pause
- Discussion Starter: Paul Studtmann (Davidson College)
12.00 Lunch
13.30: Tuomas Tahko (University of Helsinki)
- ‘Neo-Aristotelian Ontology without Substances?’
- Discussion Starter: Thomas Ainsworth (University of Oxford)
15.00: Christopher Shields (University of Notre Dame)
- ‘Causal Processes: an Aristotelian Alternative to an Unwarranted Humean Hegemony’
- Discussion Starter: Serena Lai (University of Chicago)
16.45: David Keyt (University of Washington/University of Arizona)
- Retrospective Lecture: 'Rescuing Aristotle from the Odd, the Outdated, and the Odious’
19.00: Dinner
1 October
9.00: Marko Malink (New York University)
- ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’
- Discussion Starter: Sean Kelsey (University of Notre Dame)
10.30 Charlotte Witt (University of New Hampshire)
- ‘A Neo-Aristotelian Approach to Gender’
- Discussion Starter: Jason Rheins (Loyola University)
12.00: Lunch
13.30: Fred D. Miller (BGSU/University of Arizona)
- ‘Aristotle and Democratic Capitalism’
- Discussion Starter: Joe Karbowski (University of Notre Dame)
15.00. Richard Kraut (Northwestern University)
- ‘Happiness and Virtue'
- Discussion Starter: Rachel Singpurwalla (University of Maryland)
19.00 Conference Dinner
*This conference is underwritten by a grant from Notre Dame Research, with supplemental support from the College of Arts and Letters and the Shuster Chair in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame.